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The AUDIT/LOG Menu Functions

The AUDIT/LOG menu provides the following functions:

(130) Get Config

Shows the current configuration for audit logging.

(131) Set Config

Set the audit logging configuration parameters. This command allows you to configure the following:

Which events are captured in the log

The log rotation interval

(132) Verify Logs

This command displays details for the indicated file, or verifies the audit log records in the specified range from the named file.

(133) Get Time

This command displays the current HSM time.

(134) Set Time

This command synchronizes the HSM time to the host time. This is especially useful when the host computer is synchronized by NTP, or by local drift correction. This ensures that the log times of HSM events coincide with file creation and update events in the host file system.

(135) Import Secret

This command imports an audit log secret that was previous exported.

(136) Export Secret

This commands exports the audit logging secret to the user local directory for import to another HSM.

(137) Init Audit

This command initializes the Audit role on the HSM. An audit domain and role password (for password-authenticated HSMs) or white Audit PED key (for PED-authenticated HSMs) are attached. This command destroys any previously existing Audit role on the HSM.

(138) Get Status

This command displays the audit logging information for the indicated HSM.

(139) Log External

This SafeNet extension to PKCS#11 allows a user application to insert text into the log record stream. This command logs a string of the user's choice to the audit log file.