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Serial Number Handling

Serial numbers of partitions changed after SafeNet HSM firmware 6.22.0.

The HSM serial number remains the HSM serial number, unchanged.

Application partition serial numbers are derived differently and are longer than they were previously.

Serial numbers for pre-existing application partitions (that were created on an HSM with firmware older than 6.22.0) are preserved when HSM firmware is updated.

New application partitions, created while an HSM is at firmware version 6.22.0 or newer, are assigned new, longer serial numbers, regardless of whether the partition is created as “legacy” or as PPSO type.

HA operation with SafeNet HSMs is unaffected by older serial numbers, new-style serial numbers, or any mix of the two. A failing member of an HA group can be replaced by a member with a different style of serial number.

If you have applications or scripts that rely on parsing HSM partition serial numbers (for example, log-file post-processing), some re-coding might be needed before you update.