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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > srk > srk show

srk show

Display the current SRK state.

Note:  If Lunacm srk show command does not show the expected state for SRK after you run the srk enable or srk disable command, the cache might not have been updated, following the most recent change. Exit and re-launch lunacm to see the current state of SRK.  


srk show


lunacm:> srk show
Secure Transport Functionality is supported and disabled
Secure Recovery State flags:
SRK Regeneration required:        0
Hardware (tamper) Zeroized:        0
Transport Mode:             0
Locked:                     1
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> srk enable
Please attend to the PED.
Secure Transport functionality was successfully enabled.
Command Result : No Error
lunacm:> srk show
Secure Transport Functionality is supported and ensabled
Secure Recovery State flags:
SRK Regeneration required:        0
Hardware (tamper) Zeroized:        0
Transport Mode:             0
Locked:                     1
Command Result : No Error