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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > partition > partition changeLabel

partition changelabel

This command can be run by the PSO, and changes the partition label on a Per-Partition SO partition (PPSO).

This command is the complement of "partition rename" on page 1 command in Luna Shell on SafeNet Network HSMs. The partition rename command can change the names and labels of legacy partitions on the appliance HSM, but the label for a PPSO partition is not created until that partition is initialized by the Partition SO on a connected client, in lunacm. This command gives the PSO the option to rename the partition without re-initializing.


partition changelabel [-slot <number>] -label <string> [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-slot -s   Slot of partition on which to change the label. Optional. If a slot is not specified, the command attempts to change the label of the partition in the current slot.
-label -l   Specifies the new label for the indicated partition (PSO partitions only). Mandatory.
-force   -f   Force the action. Useful for scripting.


lunacm:>role login -n Partition SO

Please attend to the PED.

Command Result : No Error 

lunacm:>par changeLabel -slot 3 -label newlbl -force

Command Result : No Error 

lunacm:>par showinfo

Partition Label -> newlbl 
 Partition Manufacturer -> SafeNet Inc. 
 Partition Model -> Luna K6 
 Partition Serial Number -> 2328328 
 Partition Status -> OK 
 HSM Certificates -> *** Test Certs ***
 HSM Part Number -> Not Available
 Token Flags -> 
 RPV Initialized -> No
 Slot Id -> 3
 Session State -> CKS_RW_SO_FUNCTIONS
 Role Status -> Partition SO logged in
 Token Flags -> 
 Partition OUID: 110000001f00000001000000

Partition Storage:
 Total Storage Space: 95537 
 Used Storage Space: 248 
 Free Storage Space: 95289 
 Object Count: 2 
 Overhead: 9320 
*** The partition is in FIPS 140-2 approved operation mode. ***

Command Result : No Error