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clientconfig deploy

Delete an existing SafeNet Network HSM server from the trusted list.


clientconfig deploy -server <hostname-or-ip> -client <hostname-or-ip> -partition <partition-name> [-password <string>] [-user <string>] [-regen] [-force] [-verbose]  

Option   Shortcut Parameter Description
-server -n   <hostname-or-ip>   SafeNet Network HSM server hostname or IP address (mandatory).
-client   -c   restart Client hostname or IP address (mandatory).
-partition -par   <partition-name>   Partition name to assign to the client (mandatory).
-password -pw   <string>   Appliance admin role user's password.
-user -ur   <string>   Appliance admin role user's name, (default is admin).
-regen -rg   .   Regenerate new and replace existing client's certificate.
-force -f   .   Force the action, no prompts.
-verbose -v   .   Show verbose logs.



lunacm:> ccfg deploy -server mysa30

Server deleted mysa30 

Command Result : No Error