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Administration Guide > HSM Initialization > Re-initialize an HSM

Re-initialize an HSM

To initialize (see Initializing a PED-Authenticated HSM ) in the Configuration Gude or to re-initialize an HSM, use the command:

hsm init -label <new-HSM-label>

Note:  Initializing/re-initializing an HSM destroys all HSM Partitions, and all contents are lost. This is not an action you would perform on a production SafeNet HSM. However, if you have made major changes in your system/deployment, or if you are moving a SafeNet HSM  from a lab situation into production, you might wish to clear everything and restart with a "clean slate". In such cases, re-initialization might be appropriate. It would also be appropriate if you were so instructed by Customer Support.

Note:  Also, some HSM policy changes are destructive of HSM contents (a security measure), and require re-initialization before you can continue to use the HSM. In the case where you intend to make a destructive HSM policy change, be sure to back up any important objects and keys so that they can be restored after the policy change and subsequent re-initialization.