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HSM Login [Trusted Path]

Before you can create HSM Partitions, perform an HSM backup, or perform other administrative functions on the HSM, you must login to the SafeNet Network HSM as HSM Admin, which requires you to first login at the command line as appliance "admin".

1.Connect to a command-line session, either via an SSH link or via a local serial terminal.

2.At the appliance login as: prompt, type "admin" and press [Enter]

3.At the password prompt, type your admin password (for appliance admin, not HSM Admin) .

4.When the LunaSH (lunash:>) prompt appears, type the hsm login command:

            lunash:> hsm login

5.For a SafeNet HSM with Trusted Path Authentication, there is no password to type. Instead, the SafeNet PED now prompts you to respond with the blue (HSM Admin) PED Key.

6.Insert the appropriate blue PED Key [the one that you imprinted when you first initialized this HSM, or one of your duplicates of it (duplicates are usually made for backup purposes, often for off-site secure storage, and may also be needed for operational reasons)] and press [Enter] on the PED keypad. If a PED PIN (optional) was previously set, enter it at the prompt.

7.Login is complete. You may perform HSM administration/maintenance tasks.