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webserver bind  

Set the REST API service to use a network port.  


webserver bind-netdevice <netdevice> [-port <port number>] [-force] [-restart]  

Parameter Shortcut Description
-netdevice -n

Network device that REST API Service is to use for communication.

Valid values: all, eth0, eth1, bond0.

-force -f

Force the action without prompting.

-port -p

Network port that REST API Service is to use for communication.   

Range: 80 to 65535

Default: 8443

-restart -r

Restart the REST API service if parameter is specified. Otherwise, the administrator must restart the REST API service via other means (i.e., “service start webserver”).


lunash:>webserver bind -netdevice eth0 -port 8443 -restart -force

Restarting REST API service...
Stopping websrv:OK
Starting websrv:OK

Command Result : 0 (Success)