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user add

Add a LunaSH user. Adds a new administrative lunash (command line) user. This command is available only to the ‘admin’ account.

Administrative users' names can be 1-31 characters, chosen from letters a-z, or A-Z, numbers 0-9, the dash, the dot, or the underscore.

No spaces are allowed. User names cannot start with a dot or dash. Creating a user name that begins with a number is not recommended.

As with any secure system, no two users (regardless of role) can have the same name.

After the new, named administrative user is created, its default password is PASSWORD. The newly-created administrative user cannot do anything in the LunaSH until the 'admin' assigns it a role with the user role add command.


user add -username <username>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-username -u Specifies the user name of the user to create.


lunash:> user add -u smith
Stopping sshd:                 [ OK ]
Starting sshd:                 [ OK ]
Command Result : 0 (Success)