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token pki factoryreset

Resets the backup token to factory default.  You must run this command from the local serial console.

This command works on a removable PKI token in a connected SafeNet DOCK 2, or on a SafeNet USB HSM. If both are connected, both are seen. If two SafeNet USB HSMs are connected for PKI, both are seen. With multiple PKI devices connected, the "tokenfactoryreset" command affects only the device that you identify by serial number. If a backup device (token or SafeNet Remote Backup HSM) is connected, it is ignored by the "token pki..." command.

The action is equivalent to the hsm factoryReset command that acts on the appliance's built-in HSM.

See "Destroy action/event scenarios" to view a table that compares and contrasts various "deny access" events or actions that are sometimes confused. 


token pki factoryreset -serial <serial_number> [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -l

Force the action without prompting.

-serial -s Specifies the serial number of the token to reset.


lunash:> token pki factoryReset -serial 123456
Command Result : 0 (Success)