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token pki deploy

Make the pre-deployed (initialized) token/hsm available to the SafeNet Network HSM appliance as another (removable) HSM partition or PKCS#11 slot, for use by your application(s).

Note:  It may take up to one minute for the token to be visible to all clients.

An external SafeNet HSM can be USB-connected to a SafeNet Network HSM appliance for:

local backup/restore operations (SafeNet Backup HSM)

PKI bundle operations (SafeNet USB HSM)

SafeNet Network HSM does not pass PED operations and data through to an externally connected SafeNet HSM from a SafeNet PED that is connected locally to the SafeNet Network HSM.

If the external HSM is PED-authenticated, then the options for SafeNet PED connection are:

local PED connection, directly to the affected HSM, when needed, or

Remote PED connection, passed through the SafeNet Network HSM 

Note:  Support for PKI Bundles with Remote PED begins at firmware version 6.10.1 in the external HSM.

Note:  Support for locally connected Backup HSM with Remote PED,
begins at firmware version 6.10.1 in the external HSM.

Note:  Use of Remote PED with an external device is made possible when you set up with the commands
hsm ped vector init -serial <serial#_of_external_HSM>
hsm ped connect -serial <serial#_of_external_HSM>
before using token pki or token backup commands.  



token pki deploy -label <token_label> -serial <serial_number>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-label -l

Specifies the name of the inserted, pre-deployed token to deploy.

-serial -s Specifies the serial number of the inserted, pre-deployed token to deploy.


lunash:> token pki deploy -label mylunag5pki -serial 475289 
*                                            * 
*   About to activate the token for testing. * 
*   Please pay attention to the PED          * 
*                                            * 

Please enter the current user challenge: 

Success deploying token mylunag5pki with serial num 475289 !
Command Result : 0 (Success)


Note:  The above command prepares an HSM, externally connected to a SafeNet Network HSM appliance, for operation in the PKI use-case. However, once the external HSM has been deployed for PKI bundle, it must be assigned to the remote client, by means of the command client assignpartition.