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sysconf snmp trap set

Set SNMP trap host information.


sysconf snmp trap set -host <hostname_or_ipaddress> [-secname <secname>] [-engineid <engineID>] [-authprotocol <protocol>] [-authpwd <password>] [-privprotocol <protocol>] [-privpwd <password>]

Parameter Shortcut Description   
-host -h   Specifies the trap host name or IP address.   
-secname    -s     Specifies the SNMP v3 security name.   
-engineID -e   Specifies the SNMP v3 Engine ID (Hex Number, No 0x or 0X)  
-authprotocol   -authpr   Specifies the SNMP v3 Authenication Protocol (SHA)  
-authpwd   -authpw   Specifies the SNMP v3 Authenication password   
-privProtocol   -privpr    Specifies the SNMP v3 Privacy protocol (AES)   
-privPwd   -privpw    Specifies the SNMP v3 Privacy Password   


lunash:>sysconf snmp trap set -host mysnmphost -secname admin -engineid 800007c70300e05290ab60 -authprotocol SHA -authpwd p4$$w0rd -privprotocol AES -privpwd pr1vat3Pwd
Command Result : 0 (Success)