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sysconf snmp notification list

Lists the targets to which SNMPv3 notifications (traps or informs) will be sent.


sysconf snmp notification list


lunash:> sysconf snmp notification list
SNMP Notification Targets:
-------------------------- utsp SHA AES

In this example the output conveys the following information:

Field Description The IP address of the notification target host (A machine running snmptrapd from Net-SNMP or some other SNMP management application, such as MG-Soft's MIB Browser or HP's Openview.)
162 The UDP port on the notification target host to which notifications are sent. 162 is the SNMP default port for notifications.
utsp The "Security Name" (or user name) on whose behalf notifications are sent.
SHA The authentication protocol used for notifications.

The privacy (or encryption) protocol used for notifications (always AES for SafeNet Network HSM).