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sysconf ntp ntpdate

Set the date and time using NTP  


sysconf ntp ntpdate <hostname_or_ipaddress> [-key <keyid>] [-version <version>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
<hostname_or_ipaddress>   Specifies the hostname or IP address of the NTP server.
-key -k

NTP Authentication Keyid

Range: 1 to 65535

-version -v

Specifies the NTP version

Valid values: 3 or 4


[myluna] lunash:> sysconf  ntp ntpdate
This command sets the date and time using ntp server "" if NTP daemon is not running.
NTP daemon is running. You can stop ntpd using the "service stop ntp" command before running this command.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
[myLuna] lunash:>
[myLuna] lunash:>service stop ntp
Shutting down ntp:                                                              [  OK  ]
Command Result : 0 (Success)
[myluna] lunash:>
[myluna] lunash:> sysconf  ntp ntpdate
This command sets the date and time using ntp server "" if NTP daemon is not running.
Current time before running ntpdate: Wed Oct 12 20:47:17 PDT 2011 
Current time after running ntpdate: Wed Oct 12 20:47:33 PDT 2011
Command Result : 0 (Success)
[myLuna] lunash:>
[myLuna] lunash:>service start ntp
Starting ntp:                                                                    [  OK  ]
Command Result : 0 (Success)