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sysconf ntp autokeyAuth update

Update the client certificates and keys.


sysconf ntp autokeyAuth update


lunash:>sysconf ntp autokeyAuth update
------- Updating client autokey certificate ----------
client password not configured.
Updating certificates without password.
Using OpenSSL version 90802f 
Using host sa5 group sa5
Using host key ntpkey_RSAhost_sa5.3527441331
Using sign key ntpkey_RSAsign_sa5.3527441331
Generating new certificate sa5 RSA-SHA1
X509v3 Basic Constraints: critical,CA:TRUE
X509v3 Key Usage: digitalSignature,keyCertSign
Generating new cert file and link
You must restart NTP for the changes to take effect. 
Check NTP status after restarting it to make sure that the client is able to start and sync with the server.
Command Result : 0 (Success)