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sysconf config list

Shows a list the configuration backup files stored in the file system, the internal HSM, or in an external token.

If -deviceType option is not specified, the files in the file system are listed.

-serialNumber is required if -deviceType is "token" and optional if -deviceType is "hsm".

-serialNumber is not required and is ignored if -deviceType is not specified.

SO login is required before running this command if -deviceType is "hsm" or "token".


sysconf config list [-deviceType <devicetype>] [-serialNumber <serialnum>]  

(Option) Parameter   Description   
-deviceType -d   <devicetype>   Device Type (hsm, token).
-serialNumber -s   <serialnum>   Token serial number.


lunash:>sysconf config list

Size 	Filename 	                                      Description
30411 	myluna_Config_20090930_0934.tar.gz 	              Automatic Backup Before Restore
30397 	myluna2_Config_20090930_0925.tar.gz 	              MyBackup
18400 	factoryInit_local_host_Config_20011231_1901.tar.gz    Initial Factory Settings
25179 	myluna2_Config_20100907_2122.tar.gz 	              Joe Backup 1