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sysconf config import

Import a configuration backup file from the internal HSM or from an external backup HSM and saves it as a file. This command overwrites the existing configuration file with the same name.

This command does NOT restore the configuration from the imported file. You can use the "sysconf config restore" command after running this command to restore the configurations.

-serialNumber is required if -deviceType is "token" and optional if -deviceType is "hsm".

SO login is required before running this command if -deviceType is "hsm" or "token".


sysconf config import -file <filename> [-devicetype <devicetype>] [-serialnumber <serialnum>] [-force]

Parameter Shortcut      Description         
-devicetype    -d <devicetype>    Device Type (hsm, token)   
-file    -fi <filename>    File Name to delete   
-force     -fo Force the action without prompting.
-serialnumber    -s <serialnum>    Token Serial Number   


lunash:>sysconf config import -file myluna_Config20101021_2015.tar.gz
-devicetype hsm
WARNING !!  This command imports the configuration backup file: factoryInit_local_host_Config.tar.gz from the hsm. 

It will overwrite the existing configuration file with the same name.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'.
> proceed

Command Result : 0 (Success)