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sysconf appliance hardreboot

Perform a hard restart (reboot) of the SafeNet appliance.

When you do not have convenient physical access to your SafeNet appliances, this command replaces the "sysconf appliance reboot" command (see sysconf appliance reboot) which performs an orderly soft reboot sequence by ordering a large number of services/daemons to conclude their operations, and logs that process. That is the preferred method of rebooting a SafeNet Network HSM appliance, if you have physical access and can retry in case any of the processes hangs and prevents the soft reboot sequence from proceeding.

Use the sysconf appliance hardreboot command when the appliance is not accessible for physical intervention (such as in a secluded, lights-off facility), if needed. This command bypasses many running processes at shutdown, allowing the reboot to occur without hanging.


sysconf appliance hardreboot [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -f

Force the action without prompting.


lunash:>sysconf appliance hardReboot  
 WARNING !! This command will reboot the appliance without gracefully shutting down. 
           All clients will be disconnected.
If you are sure that you wish to proceed, then type 'proceed',
otherwise type 'quit'
> proceed
login as: admin admin@'s password: Last login: Fri Nov 22 10:20:25 2013 from SafeNet Network HSM 5.4.0-5 Command Line Shell - Copyright (c) 2001-2013 SafeNet, Inc. All rights reserved. [local_host] lunash:> [local_host] lunash:>