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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > stc > stc client deregister

stc client deregister

Deregister a client's STC public key from the specified partition. You must be the owner of the partition to use this command.

You must be logged in as the HSM SO to use this command.

CAUTION:  Deregistering a client's public key disables the STC link to that client.


stc client deregister -partition <partition_name> -label <client_label>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-partition <partition_name> -p <partition_name> Specifies the name of the partition containing the public key you want to deregister.
-label <client_label> -l <client_label> A string used to identify the client being deregistered.


lunacm:> stc client deregister -par mapleleafs -label dkeon
Successfully deregistered the client public key of dkeon in partition mapleleafs