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stc cipher show

List the symmetric encryption cipher algorithms you can use for data encryption on an STC link. If all ciphers are disabled, symmetric encryption is not used on the link.

You must be logged in as the HSM SO to use this command.


stc cipher show -partition <partition_name>


Parameter Shortcut Description
-partition <partition_name>
-p <partition_name> Specifies the partition for which you want to display the available ciphers.
lunash:>stc cipher show -p mapleleafs
This table lists the ciphers supported for STC links to the partition. Enabled
ciphers are accepted during STC link negotiation with a client. If all ciphers
are disabled, STC links to the partition are not encrypted.
STC Encryption: On
Cipher ID    Cipher Name                              Enabled
1            AES 128 Bit with Cipher Block Chaining   Yes
2            AES 192 Bit with Cipher Block Chaining   Yes
3            AES 256 Bit with Cipher Block Chaining   No
Command Result : 0 (Success)