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status cpu

Display the current CPU load. The CPU load data is presented as a series of five entries, as follows:

1.The average CPU load for the previous minute. This value is 0.14 in the example below.

2.The average CPU load for the previous five minutes. This value is 0.10 in the example below.

3.The average CPU load for the previous ten minutes. This value is 0.08 in the example below.

4.The number of currently running processes and the total number of processes. The example below shows 1 of 68 processes running.

5.The last process ID used. This value is 11162 in the example below.


status cpu


lunash:>status cpu
CPU Load Averages:
0.14 0.10 0.08 1/68 11162
System uptime:
At Fri Jan 10 08:05:23 EST 2014, I am up 45 min
Command Result : 0 (Success)