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partition policyTemplate import  

Import a partition policy template. This command imports a partition policy template file from the current SCP directory in the SafeNet Network HSM appliance file system, into a hidden partition policy template directory within the appliance file system.

Note:  The "current SCP directory", in this context, means the upload directory associated with the currently logged-in Network HSM appliance user (admin, operator, named-users...). So if a policy template file is expected, but not found, perhaps it was uploaded to a different appliance-administrative user than the one currently logged in, and is in that other user's filespace, rather than yours.


partition policyTemplate import [-filename<file-name>] [-rename<template-name>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Parameter Description
-filename -fi <file name> The name of the template file that was sent from another system, and that you are now importing from the SafeNet Network HSM appliance's SCP directory into the partition policy template directory.

Locate the available policy template files with command my file list. The "my file" commands access the SCP directory, specifically the sub-directory that is named for the user currently logged into the appliance.
-rename -d <template name> Rename the template filename to a unique template name to be stored in the hidden partition policy template directory. The new filename that you choose must be unique within the partition policy template area on the current Network HSM appliance, or this command fails with an error message. Providing this name is optional.
-force -fo . Force the option (suppress user interactive mode). Useful for scripting.


When you tell the system to find a named file and bring it into the partition policy template directory, with a particular name, as a policy template, the system verifies that the file exists as you named it. If that file is not found in your file area for the currently logged in appliance user (admin, or operator, or a named user with admin or operator privileges), perhaps because it was mistyped or was uploaded to another account and therefore is invisible to the current logged-in user, then the system just throws an error message and stops.

Error: File <filename> was not found. Please specify a valid filename. <reason string>

Where "<reason string> is one of a few possible explanations to help you determine what went wrong.

If the filename matches a file in your (current logged-in appliance user) uploaded "my file" area, then the system checks that the file it found is a valid policy template. If so, it continues; if not it throws an error message and stops.

Error: File <filename> is not a valid partition policy template file.


If the file is a valid policy, then the system checks the name that it is expected to use (either you specified a new name in the "-rename" option, or the system uses the existing filename by default) against the policy templates that already exist in the policy template space, to ensure that the incoming template name is unique. If so, it continues; if not it throws an alert and requests a decision from the user.


Partition policy template <name> currently exists. If you choose to import <template name>, 
the existing partition policy template will be overwritten.
Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type ‘proceed’ to continue or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed


If the policy name was unique, or if you approve that the incoming template should overwrite an existing one by that name, then the system shows the content of the partition policy template, for you to verify that it contains the settings you expect it to contain.

 Code Description                                   Value Off-To-On On-To-Off

  0   Allow private key cloning                      On      Yes       No
  1   Allow private key wrapping                     Off     Yes       No
  2   Allow private key unwrapping                   On      No        No
  3   Allow private key masking                      Off     Yes       No
  4   Allow secret key cloning                       On      Yes       No
  5   Allow secret key wrapping                      On      Yes       No
  6   Allow secret key unwrapping                    On      No        No
  7   Allow secret key masking                       Off     Yes       No
  10  Allow multipurpose keys                        On      Yes       No
  11  Allow changing key attributes                  On      Yes       No
  15  Ignore failed challenge responses              Off     Yes       No
  16  Operate without RSA blinding                   On      Yes       No
  17  Allow signing with non-local keys              On      No        No
  18  Allow raw RSA operations                       On      Yes       No
  20  Max failed user logins allowed                  3      N/A       N/A
  21  Allow high availability recovery               On      No        No
  22  Allow activation                               Off     No        No
  23  Allow auto-activation                          Off     No        No
  25  Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min)       248     N/A       N/A
  26  Maximum pin length                             255     N/A       N/A
  28  Allow Key Management Functions                 On      Yes       No
  29  Perform RSA signing without confirmation       On      Yes       No
  30  Allow Remote Authentication                    On      No        No
  31  Allow private key unmasking                    On      No        No
  32  Allow secret key unmasking                     On      No        No
  33  Allow RSA PKCS mechanism                       On      Yes       No
  34  Allow CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size        On      Yes       No
  35  Allow private key SFF backup/restore           On      Yes       No
  36  Allow secret key SFF backup/restore            Off     Yes       No
  37  Force Secure Trusted Channel                   Off     No        Yes

Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type ‘proceed’ to continue or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed


After you review the list and type "proceed" the partition policy template file is finally transferred from the SCP directory into the hidden policy template directory and deleted from the user's sub-directory within the SCP directory.


lunash:> partition policyTemplate import -filename sometemplate01 -rename sometemplate001

Partition policy template <name> currently exists. If you choose to import <template name>, the existing partition policy template will be overwritten.
Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type ‘proceed’ to continue or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed

 Code Description                                   Value Off-To-On On-To-Off

  0   Allow private key cloning                      On      Yes       No
  1   Allow private key wrapping                     Off     Yes       No
  2   Allow private key unwrapping                   On      No        No
  3   Allow private key masking                      Off     Yes       No
  4   Allow secret key cloning                       On      Yes       No
  5   Allow secret key wrapping                      On      Yes       No
  6   Allow secret key unwrapping                    On      No        No
  7   Allow secret key masking                       Off     Yes       No
  10  Allow multipurpose keys                        On      Yes       No
  11  Allow changing key attributes                  On      Yes       No
  15  Ignore failed challenge responses              Off     Yes       No
  16  Operate without RSA blinding                   On      Yes       No
  17  Allow signing with non-local keys              On      No        No
  18  Allow raw RSA operations                       On      Yes       No
  20  Max failed user logins allowed                  3      N/A       N/A
  21  Allow high availability recovery               On      No        No
  22  Allow activation                               Off     No        No
  23  Allow auto-activation                          Off     No        No
  25  Minimum pin length (inverted: 255 - min)       248     N/A       N/A
  26  Maximum pin length                             255     N/A       N/A
  28  Allow Key Management Functions                 On      Yes       No
  29  Perform RSA signing without confirmation       On      Yes       No
  30  Allow Remote Authentication                    On      No        No
  31  Allow private key unmasking                    On      No        No
  32  Allow secret key unmasking                     On      No        No
  33  Allow RSA PKCS mechanism                       On      Yes       No
  34  Allow CBC-PAD (un)wrap keys of any size        On      Yes       No
  35  Allow private key SFF backup/restore           On      Yes       No
  36  Allow secret key SFF backup/restore            Off     Yes       No
  37  Force Secure Trusted Channel                   Off     No        Yes

Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type ‘proceed’ to continue or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed

Success: Imported and saved partition policy template sometemplate001.

Command Result : 0 (Success)