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partition policyTemplate export  

Export a partition policy template. This command exports a partition policy template from the hidden partition policy template directory within the appliance to the current user's "my files" subdirectory of the SCP directory in the SafeNet Network HSM appliance file system.


partition policyTemplate export [-name<template-name>] [-rename<file-name>] [-force]

Option Shortcut Parameter Description
-name -n <template name> The name of the template in the partition policy template area, that you wish to export to other appliances or host computers. Check existing policy templates with command partition policytemplate list, to get the name and spelling for the desired template that you wish to export.
-rename -d <file name> Rename the template to a unique filename to be stored in the current user's "my files" sub-directory within the SCP directory on the appliance, for sending to other appliances or computers. This allows you to make the filename unique within your "my files" sub-directory, whether to avoid collision with a file that already exists there, or to allow you to export a single partition policy template multiple times. Providing this name is optional.
-force -f . Force the option (suppress user interactive mode). Useful for scripting.


When you tell the system to find a named partition policy template and save (export it) to the current user's sub-directory of the SCP directory, with a particular name, the system verifies that the template exists as you named it. If that template is not found in the partition policy template file area, perhaps because it was mistyped, then the system just presents an error message and stops.

Error: Unable to export template <name>. <reason string>. 

Where "<reason string> is one of a few possible explanations to help you determine what went wrong.

If the partition policy template name matches a file in the partition policy template file area, then the file is loaded in preparation to be written to the SCP directory

by the name that was specified with the "-rename" option, or

by the existing filename if no "-rename" was specified.

The system checks if the intended filename would be unique in the current user's 'my files' folder under the SCP directory. If the filename would be unique, the system proceeds. If the filename would not be unique, then the system prompts for confirmation

Warning: A file named <template name> currently exists. Do you wish to overwrite it?

Are you sure you wish to continue?

Type ‘proceed’ to continue or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed


After you type "proceed" the partition policy template file is finally written to the current logged-in user's 'my files' folder under the SCP directory, and a success message appears.

Success: Exported partition policy template <filename>.

At that point, you can send the exported policy template file to other appliances or host computers.


lunash:> partition policyTemplate export -name sometemplate001 -rename sometemplate01

Success: Exported partition policy template sometemplate01.

Command Result : 0 (Success)