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partition policytemplate change  

Modify a policy's initial value and destructive settings within the partition policy template currently being edited. This change is done independently of any partition when the edit is performed. The change becomes accessible when the template is saved. The change becomes active if the template is applied to an application partition.


partition policyTemplate change -policy <policynumber> [-value <value> ] [-on{destructive | non-destructive}] [-off{destructive | non-destructive}]

Option Shortcut Parameter Description
-off   -off   . Specifies whether the action of switching the policy off shall be destructive.
-on   -on . Specifies whether the action of switching the policy on shall be destructive.
-policy -p   <policy number> Specifies the policy code identifying the policy to alter. Policy descriptions and codes are obtained with the partition showpolicies command.
-value   -v   <policy value> Specifies the value that should be assigned to the specified policy. When specifying values for an on/off type policy, use '1' for on and '0' for off, or just type the text "on" or "off". Either is acceptable.


lunash:> partition policyTemplate change -policy 22 -value 0 -on non-destructive -off non-destructive
 Description                                   Value Code Off-To-On On-To-Off

 Allow activation                                1    22     No        No

Command Result : 0 (Success)