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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > partition > partition list

partition list

Display a list of the accessible partitions on the HSM, including the number of objects on the partition, the partition size, and the used and free space.

Note:  The HSM firmware needs approximately 2K bytes of memory to manage each partition and data objects in it. To avoid you having to calculate the exact memory space available for data storage -- with you deducting the memory used by internal data structures --the "partition list" command adjusts the memory size attributes for you. Thus, the total available memory reported by "partition list" will be different than that reported by "token backup show" and "token backup partition list."


partition list


lunash:> partition list
Storage (bytes)
Partition 	Name 	Objects Total 	Used 	Free
700022006 	mypar2 	0 	102701 	   0 	102701
700022008 	mypar1 	3 	102701 	1800 	100901
Command Result : 0 (Success)