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package verify

Verifies that the specified package is from SafeNet, and that the provided authcode is correct.


package verify <package_name> authcode <authcode> [-des3 | -useevp]

Option Shortcut


. . <filename>  
-authcode -a <authcode> Specifies the secure package authorization code provided by SafeNet with the secure package
-des3 -d . Use DES3 Cipher for backward compatibility with older secure package updates
(cannot be used simultaneously with -useevp)  
-useevp -u . Use the OpenSSL EVP (Digital EnVeloPe library) API to decrypt and validate the update package in appliance software without need for HSM SO login. If this option is not specified, the default action is to refer update verification to the HSM.
(cannot be used simultaneously with -des3)  


lunash:>package verify lunasa_update-6.1.0-24.spkg -a qxTdRMNFFMJHYHsR 
Command succeeded:  decrypt package 
Command succeeded:  verify package certificate 
Command succeeded:  verify package signature   
Preparing packages for installation...
Command Result : 0 (Success)