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ntls threads set

Configure the NTLS Datapath and CMD processor worker threads. Data path threads control how many worker thread pairs are to be used to process inbound and outbound socket events. The default value of this configuration parameter is 5, which means there will be five inbound worker threads for reading data off the TLS/TCP socket and five outbound worker threads for writing data to the TLS/TCP socket. This implies that the data path can handle five different NTLS clients' data from five different sockets in parallel. In general, this configuration value should be increased if NTLS must service a high number of client NTLA connections.

The CMD Processor worker thread controls how many threads are used in the command processor to submit HSM requests to the K6 HSM key card inside the appliance. The default value of this configuration parameter (30 threads) is the ideal setting. Lowering this value will result in lower maximum throughput of some crypto operations, such as RSA Sign.

Above the "sweet spot" number of threads, increasing the threads does not increase throughput. The higher the number, the more task switching occurs within the process - this is the major trade-off that limits the number of threads that can provide optimum performance.

This command must be set individually and manually on all members of an HA group. Mixing settings across group members is untested and unsupported.

CAUTION:  To achieve maximum performance with SafeNet Network HSM 5.x and 6.x, client applications must spawn 30+ threads. The 10 threads indicated for legacy SafeNet Network HSM 4.x is not sufficient to stress the current product.


ntls threads set [-datapath <number>] [-cmdprocessor <number>]

Parameter   Shortcut Description   
-cmdprocessor   -c  

Specifies the number of   CMD processor threads.

Range: 1 to 70  

-datapath -d   

Specifies the number of   data path threads.

Range: 1 to 15  


lunash:>ntls threads set -datapath 10
NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>ntls threads set -cmdprocessor 60
NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
Command Result : 0 (Success)