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ntls bind

Binds the network trust link service (NTLS) to a network device (eth0 or eth1) or to a hostname or IP address. You must bind to either a network device or a hostname/IP address.

The new setting takes effect only after NTLS is restarted.

If you wish, client traffic restriction could complement SSH traffic restriction using the command sysconf ssh ip or sysconf ssh device, which restrict administrative traffic (over SSH) to a specific IP address or device name on your SafeNet Network HSM.

Note:  You can bind the NTLS service using either IPv4 or IPv6. Therefore, all clients connected to the SafeNet Network HSM at one time must use the same type of addressing.


ntls bind [<netdevice>] [-ipv6] [-force]

Option(s) Shortcut Parameter Description
-ipv6 -i .

Applied to IPv6.

-force -f . Force the action without prompting.
. . <netdevice>

Bind the NTLS service to this Ethernet device. Can be left blank if you are binding to a hostname or ip address, otherwise must be the loopback device or an Ethernet device.

Valid values:

eth0: Bind to the eth0 device.

eth1: Bind to eth1 device.

all: Bind to all IPv4 devices, OR to all IPv6 devices (if -ipv6 option is included). Cannot bind to both IPv4 and IPv6 networks simultaneously.

Note:  The "all" option does not actually bind to all.  

The following binds to all IPv4 addresses:
  ntls bind all  

The following binds to all IPv6 addresses:  
  ntls bind all -ipv6   



For IPv4
lunash:>ntls bind eth0
Success: NTLS binding network device eth0 set.
NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
If you are sure that you wish to restart NTLS, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'
> proceed
Restarting NTLS and HTL services...
Stopping ntls:                           [ OK  ]
Starting ntls:                           [ OK  ] Stopping htl:                            [ OK  ]
Starting htl:                            [ OK  ]
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>ntls show

NTLS Keys In HW is NOT configured

NTLS bound to network device: eth0  IP Address: "" (eth0)

Command Result : 0 (Success)


To bind to all IPv4

[myluna] lunash:>ntls bind all Success: NTLS binding network device all set. NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect. If you are sure that you wish to restart NTLS, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit' > proceed Proceeding... Restarting NTLS and HTL services... Stopping ntls:OK Starting ntls:OK Stopping htl:OK Starting htl:OK Command Result : 0 (Success)
For IPv6
[myluna] lunash:>ntls bind eth1 -ipv6
Success: NTLS binding network device eth1 set.
NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect.
If you are sure that you wish to restart NTLS, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'
> proceed
Restarting NTLS service...
Stopping ntls:                           [ OK  ]
Starting ntls:                           [ OK  ] Stopping htl:                            [ OK  ]
Starting htl:                            [ OK  ]
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>ntls show NTLS Keys In HW is NOT configured NTLS bound to network device: eth1 IP Address: "2018:1:2:3::1:1" (eth1) Command Result : 0 (Success)


To bind to all IPv6

[myluna] lunash:>ntls bind all-ipv6 Success: NTLS binding network device all set. NOTICE: The NTLS service must be restarted for new settings to take effect. If you are sure that you wish to restart NTLS, then type 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit' > proceed Proceeding... Restarting NTLS and HTL services... Stopping ntls:OK Starting ntls:OK Stopping htl:OK Starting htl:OK Command Result : 0 (Success)