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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > hsm > hsm stc identity delete

hsm stc identity delete

Delete the client identity from the STC admin channel identity token. The STC admin channel is local to the appliance, and is used to transmit data between the local services and applications running on the appliance (such as LunaSH, NTLS, and the STC service) and the HSM SO partition.

This command, in conjunction with hsm stc identity create allows you to re-generate the token identity key pair if required for security reasons (for example, if the token is compromised), or for administrative reasons (for example, to perform a key rotation).

This command does the following, in the order specified:

1.Deletes the LunaSH STC client identity public key in the HSM SO partition.

2.Deletes the HSM SO partition identity.

3.Deletes the LunaSH STC client identity.

If any of the identities fail to be deleted, the command will report the failure but will continue to delete the client identity.

WARNING!  Do not execute this command if STC is currently enabled. If you do, you will lose the ability to communicate with the HSM, and will need to decommission the HSM to recover.


stc identity delete [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.


lunash:> hsm stc identity delete 
Are you sure you want to delete the client identity HsmClientId?
All registered HSM partitions will no longer be available to this client token.
Type ‘proceed’ to continue, or ‘quit’ to quit now -> proceed
Successfully deleted client identity.