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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > hsm > hsm srk transportmode enter

hsm srk transportmode enter

Place the HSM in transport mode, invalidating the Master Key and causing all HSM content to be unusable. The use of external split(s) of the SRK (secure recovery key) on purple PED Keys must already be enabled. The SO must be logged in to the HSM to issue this command.


hsm srk transportmode enter


lunash:> hsm srk transportMode enter
CAUTION:  You are about configure the HSM in transport mode.  
       If you proceed, the HSM will be inoperable until it  
       is recovered with the Secure Recovery Key.  
       Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.  
       > proceed
Configuring the HSM for transport mode...
Luna PED operation required to enter transport mode - use Secure Recovery (purple) PED key.  
Be sure to record the verification string that is displayed after the MTK is zeroized.
HSM is now in Transport Mode.
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>hsm srk show
Secure Recovery State flags:  
External split enabled:       yes  
SRK resplit required:      no  
Hardware tampered:         no  
Transport mode:            yes  

Command Result : 0 (Success)