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hsm srk keys resplit

Generate a new split of the Secure Recovery Key. Internal splits are stored in secure memory areas on the HSM. The external split is imprinted upon a purple PED Key (or multiple purple keys if you have chosen MofN).

The PED must be connected, and you must present "new" purple PED Keys when prompted. "New" in this case, means a purple PED Key that is literally new, or a PED Key that has been used for another purpose - as long as it does not contain the current valid external SRK split, before the new splitting operation. For safety reasons, the HSM and PED detect and refuse to overwrite the current purple PED Key(s) for the current HSM.


hsm srk keys resplit


lunash:> hsm srk keys resplit  
Luna PED operation required to resplit the SRK - use Secure Recovery (purple) PED key.  
SRK resplit succeeded.
Command Result : 0 (Success)