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hsm ped vector init

Initialize a Remote PED vector. This command creates a new Remote PED Key by doing the following:

initializing a Remote PED vector (RPV)

imprinting the RPV onto the current HSM as well as onto an orange PED Key (RPK).

The RPK is kept with the Remote PED, when you set up a Remote PED workstation. The RPK allows a SafeNet Network HSM with that RPV to connect to a Remote PED workstation where the attached PED provides the matching RPV, via the orange RPK. ]

The RPV is a secret that facilitates the secure connection between a particular HSM that has that secret, and a Remote PED Server computer that has the RPK containing the identical secret. The HSM must be connected to a computer that runs Remote PED client, to manage the HSM's end of the Remote PED connection. More than one HSM can be imprinted with the same RPV, but a single Remote PED Server can connect with only one such remotely located HSM (via its client) at one time.

Note:  You must be logged into the HSM as SO/HSM Admin (with the blue SO PED Key), before you can run this command.

Note:  To set up or erase a PED vector, or to make or break the Remote PED connection, on an HSM that is externally connected to the SafeNet Network HSM, use the "-serial" option to specify the target HSM. If "-serial" is not specified, then the command acts on the SafeNet Network HSM's internal HSM card.


hsm ped vector init [-serial <serialnum>] [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-serial -s Specifies the serial number of the remote PED for which you want to erase the remote PED vector.


lunash:>hsm ped vector init

If you are sure that you wish to initialize remote PED vector (RPV), then enter 'proceed', otherwise type 'quit'.
> proceed 
Luna PED operation required to initialize remote PED key vector - use orange PED key(s).
Ped Client Version 1.0.5 (10005)  
Ped Client launched in shutdown mode.  
PED client local IP :  
Shutdown passed.
Command Result : 0 (Success)

[mylunasa] lunash:>