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hsm ped set

Configure a default IP address and/or port that are used by the hsm ped connect command when establishing a connection to a Remote PED Server. See hsm ped connect for more information.


hsm ped set [-ip <ip_address>] [-port <port>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-ip -i Specifies the default IP Address used by the hsm ped connect command.
-port -p

Specifies the default port used by the hsm ped connect command.

Range: 0-65535

Default: 1503


lunash:>hsm ped set -ip -port 3456
Command Result : 0 (Success)
lunash:>hsm ped show
Configured Remote PED Server IP address:
Configured Remote PED Server Port: 3456
Ped Client Version 2.0.0 (20000)
Ped Client launched in status mode.
Callback Server is running..
Callback Server Information:
   Hostname:                        local_host
   Software Version:                2.0.0 (20000)
Operating Information:
   Admin Port:                         1501
   External Admin Interface:           No
   Callback Server Up Time:                     269788 (secs)
   Callback Server Current Idle Time:           269788 (secs)
   Callback Server Total Idle Time:             269788 (secs) (100%)
   Idle Timeout Value:                 1800 (secs)
Number of PED ID Mappings:            0
Number of HMSs:                        1
HSM List:
   Device Type:                        PCI HSM
   HSM Serial Number:                  789654
   HSM Firmware Version:               6.30.0
   HSM Cmd Protocol Version:           18
   HSM Callback IO Version:            1
   HSM Callback Protocol Version:      1
   HSM Up Time:                        269787 (secs)
   HSM Total Idle Time:                269787 (secs) (100%)
   HSM Current Idle Time:              269787 (secs)
Show command passed.
Command Result : 0 (Success)