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hsm firmware upgrade

This command updates the HSM firmware by applying the Firmware Update File that was saved in the standby location by the SafeNet factory, or by your most recent SafeNet Network HSM appliance update. The current HSM firmware version (before this command is run), becomes the rollback version after the command is run. See command hsm firmware rollback, to roll back to the previous firmware version.

The command example, below, shows that the command offers guidance about re-sizing of partitions, before you update the HSM firmware, in anticipation of the increased partition overhead with the newer firmware (and therefore slightly reduced space for objects in each partition) :

Always archive your partition contents before manipulating the partition(s).

Resizing is needed only if you intend to keep the partition contents.

Note:  If you are both
 - upgrading from an earlier firmware version to HSM firmware 6.22.0 (or newer)
 - applying the Per-Partition SO (PPSO) capability update,
be aware that the PPSO capability update is destructive. Therefore, there is no need to re-size partitions.

Instead, to avoid unnecessary duplication of effort, you should
 - safeguard (archive) any existing partition contents,
 - then zeroize the HSM for a clean update,
 - then perform both the firmware AND capability updates,
 - and finally restore to new partitions.


hsm firmware upgrade




-force -f

Force the action


[mylunaSA2] lunash:>hsm firmware update

   The HSM Administrator is logged in. Proceeding...

   WARNING: This operation will upgrade the firmware and restart NTLS/HTL/STC !!!

         (1) All current NTLS and/or STC sessions will be reset.
         (2) If the server keys are in hardware, you must re-activate them.
         (3) If the PED use is remote, you must re-connect it.


  The architecture of the new firmware requires re-organization of memory on the HSM.
  Before updating:
    1. Backup the contents of your HSM.
    2. Delete any unused partitions and their contents.
    3. Re-size any partitions that reserved more space than needed.
    4. If you have no unused partitions and none that you can resize,
       you must free up sufficient memory for the new firmware by
       moving some partitions and their contents to another
       HSM or upgrading memory if at the factory configuration.

  Do not proceed with firmware update until you have increased the available
  memory on the HSM sufficiently.

   Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now.

   > proceed

Upgrade firmware version has requirements for available free space on HSM.
Checking that sufficient free space exists before firmware upgrade.

        Partition #: 153182004  Name: Cryptoki User     Status: Passed
Sufficient space exists for firmware upgrade.

Update Result : 0 (Success)
resetting HSM ...
Stopping ntls:OK
Starting ntls:OK
Stopping htl:OK
Starting htl:OK
Stopping stcd:                                             [  OK  ]
Starting stcd:                                             [  OK  ]

Command Result : 0 (Success)
[mylunaSA2] lunash:>