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audit secret import

Imports the audit logging secret from another HSM, in order to verify log records and log files from that other HSM. The logging secret must first have been exported from the originating (source) HSM using the audit secret export command, and the resulting audit-secret file transported to the location/host of the current (target) HSM.


audit secret import -serialtarget <serialnum> -serialsource <serialnum> -file <filename>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-file -f Specifies the name of the audit secret file to import.
-serialsource -serials

Specifies the serial number of the source HSM from which the logging secret was exported.

-serialtarget -serialt Specifies the serial number of the target HSM to which the logging secret will be imported.


lunash:>audit secret import -serialt 150719 -serials 150718 -file 150718.lws

Command Result : 0 (Success)