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audit login

Log in the HSM Audit user.

For SafeNet Network HSM with PED (Trusted Path) Authentication, a new Audit secret is created on the HSM and imprinted on a white PED Key, or an existing Audit secret is retrieved from a presented white PED Key and imprinted onto the HSM. After initialization, the appropriate white PED Key is needed for HSM Audit role login.


audit login [-serial <serialnum>] [-password <password>]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-serial -s     <serialnum> HSM Serial Number - identifies which HSM is to accept the login if you have multiple HSMs (for example a Backup HSM or a SafeNet USB HSM locally connected to your host).
-password -p     <password>

The password of the HSM you are logging into.
Used for Password-authenticated HSMs. If you prefer not to write the password, in the clear, on the command line, leave it out and you are prompted for it.
Ignored for PED-authenticated HSMs.


If the audit log area in the HSM becomes full, the HSM stops accepting most commands, and does not prompt for password when login is requested. In that case, provide the password with the command, and the login is accepted.
Audit log full does not affect login for PED-auth HSMs.


PED-Authenticated HSM
lunash:>audit login
Luna PED operation required to login as HSM Auditor - use Audit user (white) PED key.
Password authenticated HSM
lunash:>audit login

  Please enter the password:
  > ********

Command Result : 0 (Success)