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LunaSH Command Reference Guide > LunaSH Commands > audit > audit log untarlogs

audit log untarlogs

Un-archives a previously archived log file to the local directory. The log file is restored to a subdirectory named with the HSM's serial number.


audit log untarlogs [-file <logfilename>]   

Parameter Shortcut Description
-file -f Specifies the name of the archived log file to restore.


[mylunasa] lunash:>audit log untarlogs -file x.tgz

Cannot find the file in /home/audit/lush_files/
Found files:
153593.lws  audit-153593.tgz

Command Result : 65535 (Luna Shell execution)
[mylunasa] lunash:>audit log untarlogs -file audit-153593.tgz

To verify these logs see the 'audit secret import' command to import the HSM's
log secret.

Command Result : 0 (Success)