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audit log tail

Display the last several entries of the named log file, with options to narrow the selection of the displayed entries.


audit log tail -file <filename> [-serial <serialnum>] [-entries <logentries>] [-search <string>]   

Parameter Shortcut Description
-entries -e

Specifies the number of log entries to display.

-file -f Specifies the name of the log file to view.
-search -sea

Specifies a search string, such that only log entries containing that string are returned, from the named file, and from the specified range of "-entries" within that file (if the "-entries" option is provided - otherwise, the entire file is searched).

-serial -ser

Specifies the serial number of the HSM from which you want to clear the logs. This option s required only when there are multiple attached HSMs.


The following example lists the twenty most recent log entries.

[sa5] lunash:>>audit log tail -file hsm_153722_00000000.log -entries 20

Command Result : 0 (Success)

The following example lists only those entries that contain the string "OPEN_SESSION", within the twenty most recent entries in the log.

[sa5] lunash:>>audit log tail -file hsm_153722_00000000.log -entries 20 -search OPEN_SESSION

Command Result : 0 (Success)
[sa5] lunash:>