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audit config

Set the audit logging configuration parameters. This command allows you to configure the following:

which events are captured in the log.

the log rotation interval.


audit config -parameter <parameter> -value <value> -serial <serialnum>

Parameter Shortcut Description
evmask e

The value you want to configure for the specified parameter.

Valid values for the event parameter

Enter a comma-separated list of events to log. In addition to specifying an event category, you must also specify the conditions under which those events are to be logged - either 'f' for failures, or 's' for successes, or both. Any or all of the following may be specified:

[f]ailure: log command failures

[s]uccess: log command successes

[a]ccess: log access attempts (logins)

[m]anage: log HSM management (init/reset/etc)

[k]eymanage: key management events (key create/delete)

[u]sage: key usage (enc/dec/sig/ver)

fi[r]st: first key usage only (enc/dec/sig/ver)

e[x]ternal: log messages from CA_LogExternal

lo[g]manage: log events relating to log configuration

a[l]l: log everything (user will be warned)

[n]one: turn logging off

Note: When specifying an event class to log, you must specify whether successful or failed events are to be logged. For example, to log all key management events you would use the command "audit config e t,s,f".

get g get (show) the current configuration
interval i Valid values for the rotation interval parameter

Enter one of the following options for the log rotation interval:

hourly [@min]

daily [@hour:min]

weekly [@day:hour:min]

monthly [@date:hour:min]


path p path on the HOST to which logs will be written
size s

size limit of a log, to trigger rotation

Valid values for the size parameter:

An integer string signifying the size of the log in bytes. The optional modifiers k or m may be given after the string to specify KB or MB (for example, s 8388608, s 8192k, and s 8m all specify rotation when log size reaches 8MB).

Valid Range: 4096k - 2097151k

Default: 2097151k


     audit config e s                 audit all command successes 
     audit config e f                 audit all command failures 
     audit config e u,f,s             audit all key usage requests, 
                                      both success and failure 
     audit config n                   log nothing 

     audit config p /usr/lunapci/log  set path 
     audit config i daily@12:05       rotate logs daily at 12:05 
     audit config s 4096              rotate logs when 4MB is exceeded 
lunacm:> audit config e l,f,s

        You have chosen to log all successful key usage events. This can result in
        an extremely high volume of log messages, which will significantly degrade
        the overall performance of the HSM.
        Are you sure you wish to continue?

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now -> proceed

Command Result : No Error

lunacm:> audit config get

Current Logging Configuration
event mask        : Log everything
rotation interval : daily@0:00
rotation size (KB): 2087151
path to log       : /var/audit/

Command Result : No Error

Note:  In the above example of output from audit config get, the configuration rotates the logs daily; "rotation size (KB)" indicates the maximum log size. With this configuration, multiple log files may be produced per day, none larger than 4MB.