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Appliance Administration Guide > Configuration without One-step NTLS > [Step 3] Initialize the HSM > About Initializing a Password-Authenticated HSM

About Initializing a Password-Authenticated HSM

In this section, you initialize the HSM portion of the SafeNet appliance, and set any policies that you require. In normal operation, you would perform these actions just once, when first commissioning your SafeNet appliance.

Note:  Perform initialization only after you have set the system-level parameters (time, date, timezone, use of NTP (Network Time Protocol), etc.) , and configured network and IP settings to work with your network.

Initialization prepares the HSM for use by setting up the necessary identities, ownership and authentication that are to be associated with the HSM. You must initialize an HSM one time before you can generate or store objects, allow clients to connect, or perform cryptographic operations.

Once you have initialized an HSM, you would return to this section only to clear an entire HSM and all its contents and HSM Partitions, by re-initializing.

Go to Initializing a Password Authenticated HSM.