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Restoring STC After HSM Zeroization

When you perform a destructive operation that results in the HSM being zeroized, such as a login failure, application of a destructive capability upgrade (CUF), factory reset, or HSM decommission, the following actions occur:

HSM policy 39: Allow Secure Trusted Channel is turned off.

if the STC admin channel is enabled, the STC admin partition identity is deleted, breaking the STC link between LunaSH and the HSM SO partition (the admin channel) on the SafeNet Network HSM appliance.

the STC application partition identities are deleted, breaking the STC links between the application partitions and their registered clients.

See Creating an STC Link Between a Client and a Partition in the Configuration Guide for detailed procedures that describe how to re-configure your STC links.

Restoring STC After Regenerating the NTLS certificate on the SafeNet Network HSM Appliance

If you regenerate the NTLS certificate on the appliance (using the command sysconf regencert in the LunaSH Command Reference Guide), you must restart the NTLS service, and the STC service, to restore any STC links to the appliance. See service restart in the LunaSH Command Reference Guide.