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pedServer Configuration File

Peer-to-peer Remote PED introduces a pedServer.conf or pedServer.ini file with SafeNet HSM Client 6.2.1 and newer.


RemotePed = {
PongTimeout = 5;
PingInterval = 1;
LogFileTrace = 0;
LogFileError = 1;
LogFileWarning = 1;
LogFileInfo = 1;
MaxLogFileSize = 4194304;
LogFileName = ./remotePedServerLog.log;
BGProcessShutdownTimeoutSeconds = 25;
BGProcessStartupTimeoutSeconds = 10;
InternalShutdownTimeoutSeconds = 10;
SocketWriteTimeoutSeconds = 50;
SocketReadRspTimeoutSeconds = 180;
SocketReadTimeoutSeconds = 100;
ExternalServerIF = 1;
ServerPortValue = 1503;
ExternalAdminIF = 0;
AdminPort = 1502;
IdleConnectionTimeoutSeconds = 1800;
RpkSerialNumberQueryTimeout = 15;
Appliances = {
SSLConfigFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin/openssl.cnf;
ServerCAFile = /root/CAFile.pem;
ServerIP00 =;
ServerPort00 = 9696;
ServerName00 = eddiebox;
CommonCertName00 = test1;
ServerName01 = devbox;
ServerIP01 =;
ServerPort01 = 9697;
CommonCertName01 = test2;


The Appliances section manages registered appliances.

A new entry in the main Crystoki.ini / chrystoki.conf file points to the location of the pedServer.ini or pedServer.conf file.

[Ped Server]
PedConfigFile = /usr/safenet/lunaclient/data/ped/config