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Utilities Reference Guide > CKdemo > The HIGH�AVAILABILITY RECOVERY menu functions


The HIGH AVAILABILITY RECOVERY menu provides the following functions:

(50) HA Init

(Not for SafeNet Network HSM) Requires that an RSA keypair have been previously created, and the private key cloned to User space of the affected tokens. This option requires the handle to the session (of the User that owns the key pair) and the handle to the login private key itself.

(51) HA Login

(Not for SafeNet Network HSM) This option initiates several functions (including creation of a TWC [Token Wrapping Certificate] blob and HA Login Challenge (secondary token in the current HA domain) and Acceptance (primary token), as described in the document Extensions to PKCS#11, Cryptographic Token Interface Standard.

(52) HA Status

Display the current status for a specified HA slot.