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Accessing the ckdemo Utility

The ckdemo utility is included with the SafeNet HSM client. How you access it depends on whether you are using Windows or Linux/UNIX.

To access ckdemo from a Linux client

1.Go to the SafeNet HSM client binary directory.

cd /usr/safenet/lunaclient/bin

2.Launch the ckdemo utility


The ckdemo main menu is displayed. See Using the ckdemo Menu.

To access ckdemo from a Windows client

1.Navigate to the SafeNet HSM client installation folder (C:\Program Files\SafeNet\LunaClient)

2.Double-click on ckdemo to open a console window with the ckdemo interface.

The ckdemo main menu is displayed. SeeUsing the ckdemo Menu .