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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > stc > stc enable

stc enable

Enable STC on the current HSM/partition. This command changes the port for the client-partition network link from NTLS to STC and saves the change to the ServerPort00 statement in the Chrystoki.conf (Linux) or crystoki.ini (Windows) file.

CAUTION:  Enabling the STC link terminates all existing NTLS sessions.


stc enable [-force]

Parameter Shortcut Description
-force -f Force the action without prompting.
-id <server_id> -i <server_id> Specifies the identifier of the SafeNet Network HSM appliance to which you want to disable STC, as displayed using the command clientconfig listservers.


lunacm:> stc e
The existing LunaCM session will be terminated. Are you sure you wish to continue?
Type ‘proceed’ to continue, or ‘quit’ to quit now ->