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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > srk > srk disable

srk disable

Disable external tamper keys. This command disables the use of external split(s) of the SRV (secure recovery vector) on purple PED Keys (SRK). The external split is brought from the purple key, back into the HSM. When SRK is disabled:

Secure Transport Mode cannot be set.

Any tamper event that is detected by the HSM stops the HSM only until you restart. The MTK is destroyed by a tamper, but is immediately recreated at the restart if both splits are internally available (i.e., when SRK is disabled).

The SO must be logged in to the HSM to issue this command.


srk disable


lunacm:> srk disable
Please attend to the PED.
Secure Transport functionality was successfully disabled.
Command Result : No Error