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partition archive restore

Restore partition objects from a backup. Use this command to restore objects from the specified backup partition, in a backup HSM, in a specified slot, to the current user partition.


partition archive restore -slot <slot> -pas <password> -par <backup partition>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-commandtimeout -ct The command timeout for network communication. The default timeout is 10 seconds. The maximum timeout is 3600. This option can be used to adjust the timeout value to account for network latency. (optional)
-debug -de Turn on additional error information. (optional)
-hostname -ho Host name of remote workstation running remote backup server. (required when -s remote is used)
-partition -par Partition on the backup device. (maximum length of 64 characters) .
-password -pas User password for the specified partition.
-port -po Port number for remote backup server on remote workstation. (required when -s remote is used)
-slot -s

Target slot containing the backup device. It can be specified by any of the following:

<slot number>, if the backup slot is in the current system.

remote -hostname <host name> -port <port number> if the backup device is in a remote work station.

direct to specify a USB attached backup device. If you know the slot number that contains the USB attached HSM, you can specify that slot number explicitly (for example, -s 5)

etoken to specify a SFF backup (eToken 7300) inserted into a SafeNet PED connected to the local HSM or connected by USB to a host computer running PedServer.


lunacm:> partition archive restore -slot 6 -password <somepassword> -partition mybackupPar  

        Logging in to partition mybackupPar on slot 6 as the user.

        Verifying that all objects can be restored...

        1 object will be restored.

        Restoring objects...
        Cloned object 50 from partition mybackupPar (new handle 39).

        Restore Complete.

        1 objects have been restored from partition mybackupPar on slot 6. 

Command Result : No Error


Example: Restore One or All Objects from an SFF eToken

lunacm:>partition archive restore -slot eToken -o 1 

        Restoring objects... 

        (1/1) Restoring object 00-7a0300004800000620420700-9f63f36d7cddf5e870c8fb533d6568cc95b619141961690a76da1ac83934a18c...Success - Handle 26 

Command Result : No Error 


Example: Restore All objects from an SFF eToken  

lunacm:>partition archive restore -slot eToken 

        Restoring objects... 

        (1/5) Restoring object 00-7a0300004800000620420700-9f63f36d7cddf5e870c8fb533d6568cc95b619141961690a76da1ac83934a18c...Success - Handle 26 
        (2/5) Restoring object 00-7b0300004800000620420700-ef3c747fe4bacd1d8fd6acf8a2fffdf3d75c147979e92e3613b62a249f852167...Success - Handle 29 
        (3/5) Restoring object 00-7c0300004800000620420700-f592724ccadac362a1b220061fd6da5f6d4dbadd45c2fd87bff2b2889aed6bee...Success - Handle 30
        (4/5) Restoring object 00-7d0300004800000620420700-a8ec49a3bc319e22f6772b19c2970c161078757b0d9ec78f2427232946c8e97f...Success - Handle 33 
        (5/5) Restoring object 00-7e0300004800000620420700-48516c4a0bafe2bf2cca190ed816224f00484b73bff659441f84ef79e71a647a...Success - Handle 41 

Command Result : No Error 


Example: Restore Objects from an SFF eToken, where some already exist on target

lunacm:>partition archive restore -slot eToken           

        Restoring objects... 

        (1/5) Restoring object 00-7a0300004800000620420700-9f63f36d7cddf5e870c8fb533d6568cc95b619141961690a76da1ac83934a18c...Failure (CKR_CANCEL) 
        (2/5) Restoring object 00-7b0300004800000620420700-ef3c747fe4bacd1d8fd6acf8a2fffdf3d75c147979e92e3613b62a249f852167...Success - Handle 30 
        (3/5) Restoring object 00-7c0300004800000620420700-f592724ccadac362a1b220061fd6da5f6d4dbadd45c2fd87bff2b2889aed6bee...Failure (CKR_CANCEL) 
        (4/5) Restoring object 00-7d0300004800000620420700-a8ec49a3bc319e22f6772b19c2970c161078757b0d9ec78f2427232946c8e97f...Success - Handle 33 
        (5/5) Restoring object 00-7e0300004800000620420700-48516c4a0bafe2bf2cca190ed816224f00484b73bff659441f84ef79e71a647a...Success - Handle 41 

        WARNING: Errors occurred during the restore process. 

Command Result : 0x1 (CKR_CANCEL)

Note:  Objects that also exist on the target HSM fail to be restored from the SFF eToken.