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LunaCM Command Reference Guide > LunaCM Commands > partition > partition archive contents

partition archive contents

Display the contents of a specified backup partition on the backup device in the specified slot.

Note:  If you want to use this command to view the contents of an SFF token, you must be logged into an HSM partition that has the SFF capability enabled. You can be logged into any SFF-enabled partition – it is not necessary to log into the partition the backup was made against. However, SFF token and target partition must share the same cloning domain.

Note:   For full, detailed enumeration of SFF token content, the objects must be decrypted and enumerated within the secure boundary of the HSM. To run partition archive contents,, free space must be available within the target partition, equivalent to the size of the largest object on the SFF token.


partition archive c -s <slot> -par <partition name> -pas <password>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-commandtimeout -ct The command timeout for network communication. The default timeout is 10 seconds. The maximum timeout is 3600. This option can be used to adjust the timeout value to account for network latency. (optional)
-debug -de Turn on additional error information. (optional)
-hostname -ho Host name of remote workstation running remote backup server (required when -s remote is used)
-partition -par Partition on the backup device. (maximum length of 64 characters) .
-password -pas User password for the specified partition.
-port -po Port number for remote backup server on remote workstation (required when -s remote is used)
-slot -s

Target slot containing the backup device. It can be specified by any of the following:

<slot number>, if the backup slot is in the current system.

remote -hostname <host name> -port <port number> if the backup device is in a remote work station.

direct to specify a USB attached backup device. If you know the slot number that contains the USB attached HSM, you can specify that slot number explicitly (for example, -s 5)

etoken to specify a SFF backup (eToken 7300) inserted into a SafeNet PED connected to the local HSM or connected by USB to a host computer running PedServer.

Example: No objects

lunacm:>par ar c -s eToken  

        Listing all objects... 

        Found 0 backup objects: 

Command Result : No Error  


Example: Objects found

lunacm:> lunacm:> partition archive contents -slot eToken

        Listing all objects...

        Found 5 backup objects: 

        Partition:     SFFbackup                        
        Object Type:   Partition 
        Object UID:    6a0300004800000620420700 

        Label:         Generated DES3 Key 
        Index:         1  
        Object Type:   Symmetric Key 
        Object UID:    7a0300004800000620420700 
        Fingerprint:   9f63f36d7cddf5e870c8fb533d6568cc95b619141961690a76da1ac83934a18c 

        Label:         Created data object 
        Index:         2  
        Object Type:   Data 
        Object UID:    7b0300004800000620420700 
        Fingerprint:   ef3c747fe4bacd1d8fd6acf8a2fffdf3d75c147979e92e3613b62a249f852167 

        Label:         Generated RSA Public Key 
        Index:         3  
        Object Type:   Public Key 
        Object UID:    7c0300004800000620420700 
        Fingerprint:   f592724ccadac362a1b220061fd6da5f6d4dbadd45c2fd87bff2b2889aed6bee 

        Label:         Generated RSA Private Key 
        Index:         4  
        Object Type:   Private Key 
        Object UID:    7d0300004800000620420700 
        Fingerprint:   a8ec49a3bc319e22f6772b19c2970c161078757b0d9ec78f2427232946c8e97f 

        Label:         Created certificate object 
        Index:         5  
        Object Type:   Certificate 
        Object UID:    7e0300004800000620420700 
        Fingerprint:   48516c4a0bafe2bf2cca190ed816224f00484b73bff659441f84ef79e71a647a 

Command Result : No Error