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partition archive backup

Backup partition objects. Use this command to backup objects from the current user partition to a partition on a backup device.

Note:  If the domains of your source and target HSMs do not match or the policy settings do not permit backup, the partition archive backup command fails. No objects are cloned to the target HSM but the command creates an empty backup partition. In this circumstance, you must manually delete the empty backup partition.


partition archive backup -slot <slot> -pas <password> -par <backup partition>

Parameter Shortcut Description
-append -a Append the objects to the existing partition.
-commandtimeout -ct The command timeout for network communication. The default timeout is 10 seconds. The maximum timeout is 3600. This option can be used to adjust the timeout value to account for network latency.
-debug -de Turn on additional error information. (optional)
-domain -do Domain for the specified partition.
-force -f Force action with no prompting.
-hostname -ho Host name of remote workstation running remote backup server. (required when -s remote is used)
-partition -par Partition on the backup device. (maximum length of 64 characters)
-password -pas Password for the specified partition.
-port -po Port number for remote backup server on remote workstation. (required when -s remote is used)
-replace -re Allow objects with same OUID on backup device to be deleted and replaced.
-slot -s

Target slot containing the backup device. It can be specified by any of the following:

<slot number>, if the backup slot is in the current system.

remote -hostname <host name> -port <port number> if the backup device is in a remote work station.

direct to specify a USB attached backup device. If you know the slot number that contains the USB attached HSM, you can specify that slot number explicitly (for example, -s 5)

etoken to specify a SFF backup (eToken 7300) inserted into a SafeNet PED connected to the local HSM or connected by USB to a host computer running PedServer.

-sopassword -sop SO password for the backup device.


lunacm:> par ar b -s 7 -par P2SA2nonppsoBK

        Logging in as the SO on slot 7.

        Please attend to the PED.

        Creating partition P2SA2nonppsoBK on slot 7.

        Please attend to the PED.

        Logging into the container P2SA2nonppsoBK on slot 7 as the user.

        Please attend to the PED.

        Creating Domain for the partition P2SA2nonppsoBK on slot 7.

        Please attend to the PED.

        Verifying that all objects can be backed up...

        3 objects will be backed up.

        Backing up objects...
        Cloned object 73 to partition P2SA2nonppsoBK (new handle 16).
        Cloned object 100 to partition P2SA2nonppsoBK (new handle 17).
        Cloned object 99 to partition P2SA2nonppsoBK (new handle 18).

        Backup Complete.

        3 objects have been backed up to partition P2SA2nonppsoBK
        on slot 7.

Command Result : No Error



Example Backup an Object to an SFF eToken


lunacm:>partition archive backup -s eToken -l SFFbackup -o 30 

        WARNING: continuing the backup operation will wipe out all keys on the backup token! 
        Are you sure you wish to continue? 

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed 

Operation in progress, please wait. 

        (1/1)   Backing up object with handle 30... Success! 

        Backup Complete. 

        1 objects have been backed up to token with label localSFFuserPCI                
        on the backup device 

Command Result : No Error 


Example: Backup All Objects to an SFF eToken


lunacm:>partition archive backup -s eToken -l SFFbackup       

        WARNING: continuing the backup operation will wipe out all keys on the backup token! 
        Are you sure you wish to continue? 

        Type 'proceed' to continue, or 'quit' to quit now ->proceed 

Operation in progress, please wait. 

        (1/5):  Backing up object with handle 30... Success! 
        (2/5):  Backing up object with handle 26... Success! 
        (3/5):  Backing up object with handle 57... Success! 
        (4/5):  Backing up object with handle 58... Success! 
        (5/5):  Backing up object with handle 29... Success! 

        Backup Complete. 

        5 objects have been backed up to token with label SFFbackup                        
        on the backup device 

Command Result : No Error