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SafeNet Network HSM Required Items

Follow this checklist to verify that you have all of items required for the installation.

Qty Item

SafeNet Network HSM Appliance  


Power Supply Cord (one for each power supply; style to suit country for which you ordered)  ( * )


Null-Modem Serial Cable  


USB 2.0 to RS232 Serial Adapter  


Set of:
- 2 front Mounting Brackets with Screws,
- 2 Side Bracket Guides, and
- 2 Sliding Rear Brackets (fit into the guides for rear support adjustable positioning).


Client / SDK Software  ( ** )

( * We mention power cords, because you need them, but they are no longer included with the shipment from our factory. Many customers are buying HSMs from one country, but shipping them for final deployment to different countries, which has resulted in many wasted power cords that are incorrect format for destination countries. So, please source your power cords locally for the deployment destination.)
( ** Software is available by download from Gemalto. Physical media for software and documentation are special-request items. )

SafeNet PED?

Additionally, if your SafeNet Network HSM is the PED-authenticated version, then you might also have ordered the following items (next page).

Note that you can use SafeNet PEDs and PED Keys that you already own and use with other HSMs, if they have firmware 2.4.0 or later – PEDs of the same type are interchangeable, and PED Keys can be used with multiple HSMs if that is appropriate in your context. You should purchase the number you need for your own convenient operation, and for backup/standby units as your security policies might require.

If you intend to use Remote PED functions, you will need a SafeNet PED 2 Remote version.

The standard SafeNet PED 2 is capable of local operation only.

Your order should include a PED 2 device. To use PED-authenticated SafeNet HSM with Remote PED function requires a Remote Capable PED – the standard PED does not have the Remote capability. They appear almost identical except for a label “PED Remote” on the front, and the availability of the “Remote” menu when powered on.

SafeNet Local PED cable

Your order should include a 9-pin, Micro-D to Micro-D cable for local PED operation.

SafeNet Remote PED cable (Remote PED only)

If you ordered a SafeNet remote PED, your order should include a Type A to Mini B USB cable for remote PED operation.

SafeNet Remote PED Power Supply Kit (Remote PED only)

If you ordered a SafeNet Remote PED, your order should include a SafeNet Remote PED power supply kit. The power supply is auto-sensing and includes replaceable mains plug modules for international use.

PED Keys and Labels

Your order should include a set of iKey PED Keys and peel-and-stick labels.



(* Standard PED 2 is shown. To use SafeNet Network HSM with Remote PED function requires a Remote Capable PED – the standard PED does not have the Remote capability. They appear identical except for the availability of the “Remote” menu when powered on.)

Additional Options?


You can back up your selected SafeNet Network HSM partition contents (root keys, certificates, other items) to a SafeNet Remote Backup HSM.

Qty Item

SafeNet Backup HSM(*)  

(* The SafeNet SafeNet Backup HSM is a backup-storage option, suitable for off-site storage, and for backing up multiple HSM partitions. Its contents are automatically secured at the same level of authentication security (Password versus PED) as the HSM it is backing up. The SafeNet Backup HSM can be connected directly [locally] to an HSM, or it can be connected to a computer to backup remotely located HSMs, in conjunction with Remote PED.)


You can use your SafeNet Network HSM appliance to expand the functionality and reach of applications that you might previously have conducted with SafeNet PCMCIA tokens (SafeNet PCM and SafeNet PCM CA4), such as Registration Authority for Smart Card issuance, or Key Escrow for managed PKI implementations, or root-key management in the production of encrypted removable storage devices, among other possibilities. This function makes use of the SafeNet USB HSM (very similar in appearance to the Backup HSM).

Qty Item

SafeNet USB HSM (for PKI)  

The authentication method for external HSMs must match the authentication method for any appliance HSM with which they are used.